AMYAC Membership and application form

220125-UPDATED AMYAC Membership Form Blank-25 Jan 2022

Extract of Rules- Membership Criteria – WHICH RULES APPLY TO YOU?

Rule 6.3.1 (a) A person is eligible for membership of the corporation if they are an adult Aboriginal person who in accordance with traditional laws and customs of the Western Desert language and cultural group, and with whom they identify, has a traditional spiritual connection and affiliation with the Determination Area by way of one or more of the following means:-

  1. being ‘born‘ on that land, which includes being carried by their mother on that land for most of her pregnancy (a true bloodline); or
  2. having senior religious and geographical knowledge of the Determination Area in accordance with Western Desert traditional law and custom having lived on or associated with that land for most of their lifetime (long-time physical and spiritual association);
  3. or
    1. by having a parent or grand-parent with a traditional connection to that land who was ‘born‘ on that land, which includes being carried by their mother on that land for most of her pregnancy (a true bloodline); or
    2. by having a parent or grandparent who has a traditional connection to the Determination Area due to their senior religious and geographical knowledge of the Determination Area in accordance with Western Desert traditional law and custom having lived on or associated with that land for most of their lifetime.

IN SUMMARY- to be considered for AMYAC membership you need to satisfy the following:

  1. Be an Adult Aboriginal person who is a member of the Western Desert Cultural Group eg. Antakirinja, Matuntjara, Yankunytjatjara. Note some Matuntjara people also identify as Kokotha.
  2. In relation to the ANTAKIRINJA MATU-YANKUNYJATJARA native title area, be connected to it in accordance with Western Desert traditional law and custom by having at least one of the following :
    1. A True Bloodline
    2. A Long Time Physical and Spiritual Association
    3. A parent or grand-parent who satisfies a. or b.

Please send completed forms to: (Download below)

Michael Pagsanjan
100 Carrington Street
Adelaide SA 5000

220125-UPDATED AMYAC Membership Form Blank-25 Jan 2022