With Native Title recognition, Native Title holders are formally included in a range of land and water decision-making processes, including community development issues. To manage these relationships as well as to hold their Native Title, the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) prescribes that Native Title holders establish a Registered Native Title Body Corporate (RNTBC).

AMYAC is the RNTBC for the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara Native Title holders following the Determination made on 11 May 2011 by the Federal Court of Australia. [link]

See a map of AM-Y Native Title land. [link]

The core Native Title functions of an RNTBC are:

    • to protect and manage determined Native Title in accordance with the wishes of the broader Native Title holding group; and,
    • to ensure certainty for Governments and other parties with an interest in accessing or regulating Native Title lands and waters, by providing a legal entity through which to conduct business with the Native Title holders.

Some of these roles are legislated for under the Native Title Act, including:

    • receiving Future Act Notices and advising Native Title holders of such notices;
    • exercising procedural rights of Native Title holders, including objecting to or negotiating Future Acts;
    • preparing submissions about the right to negotiate and other matters;
    • negotiating, implementing and monitoring Native Title Agreements;
    • addressing compensation matters; and,
    • bringing any further Native Title Applications to court.

Other roles are set out in the PBC Regulations to the NTA, including:

    • managing Native Title holders’ rights and interests;
    • holding and investing money;
    • consulting Native Title holders on decisions that would affect Native Title and maintaining documentation as evidence of consultation and consent;
    • consulting with South Australian Native Title Services (SANTS), the Native Title Representative Body for South Australia, about proposed Native Title decisions; and any other function relating to Native Title rights and interests as directed by Native Title holders.