Role of the Board

The Board is accountable for the overall performance of AMYAC. Its role is to guide, govern and provide a professional approach to the development of AMYAC, as well as adding value through:

  • Ensuring that AMYAC fulfils its functions and role as a Registered Native Title Body Corporate
  • Ensuring that AMYAC fulfils its contractual obligations with respect to all Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA’s) and other agreements entered into in its capacity as the representative of native title holders
  • Setting the strategic direction of AMYAC
  • Monitoring AMYAC’s performance against Strategic Plans, Business Plans and Budgets
  • Performing the functions of the Advisory Council to the AMYAC Indigenous Community Trust (‘the Trust’)
  • Adopting an annual budget for the financial performance of AMYAC and the Trust and monitoring results on a regular basis.
  • Being responsible for the effective operation of the Board itself (including Board culture, education, processes and evaluations).
    • Performance indicators and review
    • Job specifications
    • Appointment
  • Being responsible for employee positions, including their:
    • Succession planning
    • Clearly defining delegations of authority
    • Contributing to an environment where any employees can work at their highest levels of expertise and creativity
    • Ensuring effective communication is maintained with stakeholders
  • Ensuring legal and financial reporting to appropriate bodies
  • Ensuring compliance with the Constitution of AMYAC and the AMYAC Indigenous Community Trust Deed of Trust
  • Ensuring risk management systems are in place
  • Establishing and monitoring Board policies
  • Providing support, advice and encouragement to any staff as well as providing a sounding board for those persons

Responsibilities of Board Members

Board members’ responsibilities include to:

  • be committed to the role of AMYAC as RNTBC;
  • be supportive of a team ethos;
  • complement and supplement the role of any employees;
  • be knowledgeable about AMYAC as a RNTBC, its affairs and the environment in which it operates, without becoming involved in the day-to-day management
  • attend meetings, having read and considered the relevant papers, and to identify areas which need clarification or further work
  • respect the privacy of supporters, donors, sponsors, volunteers and staff
  • identify and declare possible conflicts of interest

Collectively, the characteristics of the Board and its members should include the following:

  • Ethical behaviour
  • Clear and understandable communication
  • Creative thinking and innovation
  • Ability and commitment to actively listen and challenge
  • Ability to have a ‘big picture’ view of the world, with ability to think strategically
  • Enthusiasm, leadership, consideration and independence
  • Integrity, with willingness to enquire/question/speak one’s mind with confidence
  • Sense of humour

The Board must appoint a Chairperson who provides and brings to AMYAC:

  1. A high profile;
  2. reputation and credibility (community, mining industry and government);
  3. strong leadership;
  4. established networks (community);
  5. commitment;
  6. established board experience

Role of the Chairperson

The Chairperson is the leader of the Board, responsible for ensuring that the Board effectively fulfils its governance role through efficient Board organisation and conduct.

The role of the Chairperson is to:

  • Provide leadership to the Board
  • Identify on behalf of the Board and the community issues of significance to the Board, and create the environment for their effective consideration
  • Be the figurehead of AMYAC and act as spokesperson where necessary and appropriate
  • Be an ex officio member of all AMYAC Committees
  • Be thoroughly familiar with the business of AMYAC
  • Communicate with Board members and seek their input and concerns in meetings and between meetings
  • Contribute time to overseeing AMYAC
  • Encourage other Board members to make a real contribution to AMYAC by promoting an environment in which all Board members feel free to put an opinion and feel included in the decision making processes
  • Chair Board Meetings, the AGM and General Meetings
  • Be responsible for the effectiveness of meetings and the Board’s adherence to its own Constitution, being fair, firm and focussed
  • To provide direction to the Board, to challenge the status quo and enable the AMYAC Board to be co-ordinated and motivated in such a way as to optimise the resources and skills of the Board and, in turn, any employees.

Role of the Deputy Chairperson

The role of the Deputy Chairperson is to:

  • Act for the Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence
  • Be thoroughly familiar with the business of the organisation
  • Act as spokesperson where authorised by the Chairperson or the Board
  • Participate ex-officio in Committees as required

Role of Board Committees

The Board may form Committees to support the Board in its governance role. Board Committees should not assume the responsibility of the Board and should act within the delegations of authority given to them by the Board.

Roles of Board Committees include:

  • Providing analysis and review of specific aspects of AMYAC
  • Providing reports and advice
  • Making recommendations to the Board
  • Taking a role in directing and progressing a specific task/project and assisting in its direction, content and achieving appropriate outcomes
  • Communicating to the Board issues which are relevant and issues which may be at variance to expectations
  • Providing new ideas, generating new approaches, and developing plans with management, in order to contribute more effectively towards the successful achievement of desired outcomes within the relevant “Terms of Reference”.