AMY Nominees Pty Ltd

A.M.Y. Nominees is:

  • Building up an investment base that can one day provide social benefits for future generations, especially beyond the life of the mine.
  • Looking at other long term initiatives from a business perspective to help the community and the region.  Opportunities include:
    • Mining contracting (already established)
    • Pastoral investments (currently establishing)
    • Tourism
    • Commercial investment
    • Labour hire initiatives (already established)
    • Training initiatives for community (already established)

AMY Nominees currently employs numerous A.M.Y. persons and will continue to further employment opportunities for the community as the operations increase.

Board of Management

AMY Nominees – the commercial arm of AMYAC – is managed by a Board of Directors. These consist of seven Traditional Owners from the AM-Y Native Title Group:

Board Member – Ian Crombie – Traditional Owner
Board Member – William Lennon – Traditional Owner
Board Member – Dean Walker – Traditional Owner
Board Member – David Brown – Traditional Owner
Board Member – Joseph Lennon – Traditional Owner
Board Member – Maisie Winton – Traditional Owner
Board Member – Steve Tsakaridis – Traditional Owner

Legal Counsel – Tim Wooley

General Manager – Bill Ryan

Operations and Human Resources Manager – Mark Bradley

Aboriginal Liaison and Employment Projects Officer – position currently vacant

Company Secretary / Advisor – Paul Case (MLCS)

Contractual Business Advisor – Rob Gibb