Elders Funding – 45 years and over
A payment of $3,000 may be available per approved Member as a once off payment. The Member must be over the age of 45 to apply.
The Trust Advisory Council will determine the number of Elders’ payments to be made during any given financial year.
Where the number of Elders’ applications is higher than the funding available, the Trust Advisory Council will vote via a secret ballot to determine the recipients during the relevant period.
The Trust Advisory Council may consider the period of time the AM-YAC Member has waited for their Elders’ payment and/or the AM-YAC Members’ contribution to the AM-YAC Community and their knowledge of culture, geography and history.
To apply, submit the form.
You will receive a confirmation email when your application has been received.
If your application is consistent with trust policies and budget you can expect approval within three business days.
Online Application Form
"*" indicates required fields
If you prefer you can download and email back the application form to trust@amyac.com.au