12-13 APRIL 2022

Dear AMYAC member
This letter is to provide notice for the following meetings:
• AM-YAC IC Trust community meeting; and
• AMYAC native title meeting.

The meeting details are as follows:
AM-YAC IC Trust community meeting: 12 April 2022
AMYAC native title meeting: 13 April 2022
Time: 9:30 am to 4:30pm

Location: Desert Cave Hotel, Coober Pedy

Attached to this letter you will find:
• AM-YAC IC Trust community meeting agenda (page 3);
• Trust assistance policy (pages 4 and 5); and
• AMY native title holder meeting notice and information (pages 6 to 9).

Members’ assistance
Applications for assistance to attend the meetings will need to be received by the AM-Y Indigenous
Community Trust Office by close of business on 1 April 2021.
To apply for assistance, please complete the application form at page 5 and send
to trust@amyac.com.au.

Further information
Information relating to the Trust community meeting agenda items can be requested by contacting the AM-Y Indigenous Community Trust Office at trust@amyac.com.au.

Information relating to the native title meeting, including proposed agendas and relevant draft agreements, can be requested by contact the AMYAC contact person, Michael Pagsanjan, at info@mpslaw.com.au or by phone at (08) 7221 1690.

The AMYAC Board

Download PDF for background information, proposed resolutions and assistance applications.

220316 - AMY Native Title and Trust Meeting - 12-13 April 2022 - Mailout Notice

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